Seiring Sejalan...

Seiring Sejalan... menongkah arus dunia... meredah lautan...di manakah penghujungnya?? kepadamu Yang Esa..

Friday, June 17, 2005

Shell Recruitment Day


juz here 4 a while, gonna share with u my experience yesterday... i've been called 4 the Shell Recruitment Day, this is the last stage b4 the offer stage after the 1st n 2nd interviews with them. hmm...the 1st interview, i was given a topic n i have to talk about, my topic was Tourism..the next day, i went 4 the 2nd intvw where they've asked me about my life achievements and experiences, plus another topic to be discussed- "Sports".

yesterday, i went for the SRD..i was shocked to see dat they were only 8 candidates (including me), 1 from India, 1 from Philipine, most of them got some work experience and have graduated except me, but i didn't give up!The day was divided for 3 main activities; the Case Study, Group Discussion, and Business 9.00 am, i was given 1 n 1/2 hour to prepare for the case study (where i've been given about 30 pages materials consists of emails, letters, paper cuts, survey report, financial statement, customer complaints, etc.), then i need to make a presentation afterwards 4 only 5 mts!..

after that, for the Gp. Discussion, we were divided into small groups consists of 2 people (me with Jeanie, a chinese gal from Nottingham University), n 1 accessor was observing us, our role as community service rep, n we need to choose 2 out of 4 projects to be proposed to the Review Board, considering the budget and some other constraints...after 10 mts discussion, we go to the Rewiew Board (4 ppl, meaning my gp + another gp), n need to choose 2 out of 4 projects proposed again, then we've to attend a Press Conference regarding our proposal where each of us has been asked 1 question by the journalists.

after the lunch break and prayer, we've to go thru the last xtvt named Business we've been given 5 topics/scenarios n we're advised to choose 1 that most related to our study, but then since none of them related to engineering, i've chose the one about Marketing and Sales, here we're given 15 mts to prepare and then 20mts discussion abt the scenario with 2 accessors and the last 20 mts for them to ask about our life experiences and achievements..i was so sleepy while waiting 4 my turn since i've got the last turn n they didn't interview all the candidates at 1 time, so can u imagine??? 1 candidate = 55mts, x 7, that was how long i've waited!!!

btw... alhamdulillah... finally i've done with the SRD, and i can say that i've delivered my best and what left for me to do is to pray to Allah and tawakkal je la... the result will be announced after 3 working days (meaning tuesday), and I do hope 4 all of you, my dear friends... to pray 4 me...Thanks in advance.... InsyaAllah...with His will and all of your prayers, maybe I can get the offer :)

ok, nak balik bilik dah, esok nak balik umah kak long kat Cheras, maybe ahad balik perak kot... ok guys, till we meet again next sem!!! take care...a'kum...